Saturday, 21 July 2012

Polaroid Time Zero - stunning range of photos

Polaroid Time Zero

I find this series of photos so stunning! I think this effect is achieved by using out of date polaroid. Here is a link to the Flckr account: Gentleman Amateur/Polaroid Time Zero.

Weekend photo project at 500px - long exposures

I love this photo by Mark Burban it is featured on the 500px website. He says that it was created by taking 9 seperate long exposures and stacking them in photoshop which resulted in this final composition.

Little DIY tip from Lifehackers website

I thought this was such a simple, but neat little tip from Lifehackers website.

We've always got lots of these little bulldog clips hanging around at work and I've got lots of interesting postcards that I've got laying around that will look so much better standing up on some clips! :)
If you check out the website link above, they've got lots of other great uses for them.